The book is divided into three parts, each of which is divided into chapters, and is written by the brightest engineers and researchers in the field. After an introduction to the technology as well as to the main effects induced by temperature variation on the geostructures, Part 1 is devoted to the physical modeling of energy geostructures, including in situ investigations, centrifuge testing and small-scale experiments.
The second part includes numerical simulation results of energy piles, tunnels and bridge foundations, while also considering the implementation of such structures in different climatic areas. The final part concerns practical engineering aspects, from the delivery of energy geostructures through the development of design tools for their geotechnical dimensioning. The book concludes with a real case study.
Contents Part 1. These development paths require a focus on occupant needs such as good indoor climate, easy operability, and monitoring. Another area to be tackled is energy flexibility, which is needed to make buildings responsive to the price signals of electricity grids with increasing amounts of fluctuating renewable energy generation installed both in central grids and at building sites.
This Special Issue is dedicated to HVAC systems, load shifting, indoor climate, and energy and ventilation performance analyses in buildings. All these topics are important for improving the energy performance of new and renovated buildings within the roadmap of low energy and nearly zero energy buildings. To improve energy performance and, at the same time, occupant comfort and wellbeing, new technical solutions are required.
Occupancy patterns and recognition, intelligent building management, demand response and performance of heating, cooling and ventilation systems are some common keywords in the articles of this Special Issue contributing to future highly performing buildings with reliable operation. As one of the fastest growing renewable energy technologies, they are amongst the most energy efficient systems for space heating, cooling, and hot water production, with significant potential for a reduction in building carbon emissions.
The book provides an authoritative overview of developments in closed loop GSHP systems, surface water, open loop systems, and related thermal energy storage systems, addressing the different technologies and component methods of analysis and optimization, among other subjects. Chapters on building integration and hybrid systems complete the volume. Provides the geological aspects and building integration covered together in one convenient volume Includes chapters on hybrid systems Presents carefully selected chapters that cover areas in which there is significant ongoing research Addresses geothermal heat pumps in both heating and cooling modes.
The congress is intended to promote exchanges on the role of geotechnical research and its findings regarding the protection against natural hazards, design criteria for structures and infrastructures, and the definition of sustainable development strategies. The contributions cover a diverse range of topics, including infrastructural challenges, underground space utilization, and sustainable construction in problematic soils and situations, as well as geo-environmental aspects such as landfills, environmental and energy geotechnics, geotechnical monitoring, and risk assessment and mitigation.
Selected by means of a rigorous peer-review process, they will spur novel research directions and foster future multidisciplinary collaborations. Discussing the latest developments and advances in the materials and processes involved in energy generation, transmission, distribution and storage, with a particular focus on the management and policies related to these systems, it is a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers working in these areas.
This book presents recent research findings and critically reviews the existing literature related to assessment of geotechnical structures under complex and extreme loading conditions such as cyclic, seismic and blast loads.
Special emphasize is given to experimental assessment of behaviors of soils and rocks in tunneling , while advanced numerical modelling techniques are utilized for modelling and accurate predictions in emerging construction projects such as tunneling and embankments.
The book is in line with current trends in civil engineering which are moving towards sustainable design and construction addressing the energy and material challenges. Every 4 years since then, PCSMGE has brought together the geotechnical engineering community from all over the world to discuss the problems, solutions and future challenges facing this engineering sector. Sixty years after the first conference, the edition returns to Mexico.
Of the full papers submitted, were accepted for publication after peer review. They are included here organized into 19 technical sessions, and cover a wide range of themes related to geotechnical engineering in the 21st century. Topics covered include: laboratory and in-situ testing; analytical and physical modeling in geotechnics; numerical modeling in geotechnics; unsaturated soils; soft soils; foundations and retaining structures; excavations and tunnels; offshore geotechnics; transportation in geotechnics; natural hazards; embankments and tailings dams; soils dynamics and earthquake engineering; ground improvement; sustainability and geo-environment; preservation of historic sites; forensics engineering; rock mechanics; education; and energy geotechnics.
Providing a state-of-the-art overview of research into innovative and challenging applications in the field, the book will be of interest to all those working in soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering. This book provide a series of designs, materials,characterization and modeling, that will help create safer andstronger structures in coastal areas. The authors take a look at the different materials porous,heterogeneous, concrete… , the moisture transfers inconstruction materials as well as the degradation caused byexternal attacks and put forth systems to monitor the structures orevaluate the performance reliability as well as degradation scenarios of coastal protection systems.
Written to Eurocode 7 and the UK National Annex Updated to reflect the current usage of Eurocode 7, along with relevant parts of the British Standards, Pile Design and Construction Practice, Sixth Edition maintains the empirical correlations of the original—combining practical know how with scientific knowledge —and emphasizing relevant principles and applications of soil mechanics and design. Contractors, geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists responsible for designing and constructing piled foundations can find the most current types of pile, piling equipment, and relevant methods in this latest work.
The book summarizes recent changes, including new codified design procedures addressing design parameters and partial safety factors. It also presents several examples, many based on actual problems. Broad and Comprehensive In Its Coverage Contains material applicable to modern computational practice Provides new sections on the construction of micropiles and CFA piles, pile-soil interaction, verification of pile materials, piling for integral bridge abutments, use of polymer stabilising fluids, and more Includes calculations of the resistance of piles to compressive loads, pile groups under compressive loading, piled foundations for resisting uplift and lateral loading, and the structural design of piles and pile groups Covers marine structures, durability of piled foundations, ground investigations, and pile testing Addresses miscellaneous problems such as machinery foundations, underpinning, mining subsidence areas, geothermal piles, and unexploded ordnance Pile Design and Construction Practice, Sixth Edition serves as a comprehensive guide for practicing geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists.
This text also works as a resource for piling contractors and graduate students studying geotechnical engineering. Recent developments in the fields of energy, transport and industrial engineering have led to the emergence of new types of structures and infrastructures subject to variable stresses, for which the usual methods for designing pile foundations are now inadequate. The recommendations presented in this book will help to partly fill this technical gap by proposing a methodological approach and calculation methods to take account of the effects of cyclic loads in the design of foundations on piles.
These are based on both laboratory and full scale experiments, and on modeling carried out within the framework of the national SOLCYP project. Using a general approach, this book supports the student to enable mastery of the methods of analysis of isostatic and hyperstatic structures.
To show the performance of the methods of analysis of the hyperstatic structures, selected beams, gantries and reticular structures are selected and subjected to a comparative study by the different methods of analysis of the hyperstatic structures. This book enables the student to master the methods of analysis of isostatic and hyperstatic structures. To show the performance of the methods of analysis of the hyperstatic structures, some beams, gantries and reticular structures are selected and subjected to a comparative study by the different methods of analysis of the hyperstatic structures.
This procedure provides an insight into the methods of analysis of the structures. Author : Lyesse Laloui,Alessandro F. Author : Ligia Moga,Teodora M.
Author : N. The objective of this book is to supply the reader with an exhaustive overview on the most up-to-date and available knowledge of these structures. It details the procedures that are currently being applied in the regions where geostructures are being implemented.
The book is divided into three parts, each of which is divided into chapters, and is written by the brightest engineers and researchers in the field. After an introduction to the technology as well as to the main effects induced by temperature variation on the geostructures, Part 1 is devoted to the physical modeling of energy geostructures, including in situ investigations, centrifuge testing and small-scale experiments.
The second part includes numerical simulation results of energy piles, tunnels and bridge foundations, while also considering the implementation of such structures in different climatic areas. The final part concerns practical engineering aspects, from the delivery of energy geostructures through the development of design tools for their geotechnical dimensioning.
The book concludes with a real case study. Contents Part 1. Part 2. Numerical Modeling of Energy Geostructures 6. McCartney, Charles J. Coccia , Nahed Alsherif and Melissa A. Guney Olgun and G. Allen Bowers. Part 3. Engineering Practice Future buildings require not only energy efficiency but also proper building automation and control system functionalities in order to respond to the needs of occupants and energy grids.
These development paths require a focus on occupant needs such as good indoor climate, easy operability, and monitoring. Another area to be tackled is energy flexibility, which is needed to make buildings responsive to the price signals of electricity grids with increasing amounts of fluctuating renewable energy generation installed both in central grids and at building sites.
This Special Issue is dedicated to HVAC systems, load shifting, indoor climate, and energy and ventilation performance analyses in buildings. All these topics are important for improving the energy performance of new and renovated buildings within the roadmap of low energy and nearly zero energy buildings. To improve energy performance and, at the same time, occupant comfort and wellbeing, new technical solutions are required.
Occupancy patterns and recognition, intelligent building management, demand response and performance of heating, cooling and ventilation systems are some common keywords in the articles of this Special Issue contributing to future highly performing buildings with reliable operation. As one of the fastest growing renewable energy technologies, they are amongst the most energy efficient systems for space heating, cooling, and hot water production, with significant potential for a reduction in building carbon emissions.
The book provides an authoritative overview of developments in closed loop GSHP systems, surface water, open loop systems, and related thermal energy storage systems, addressing the different technologies and component methods of analysis and optimization, among other subjects. Chapters on building integration and hybrid systems complete the volume. Provides the geological aspects and building integration covered together in one convenient volume Includes chapters on hybrid systems Presents carefully selected chapters that cover areas in which there is significant ongoing research Addresses geothermal heat pumps in both heating and cooling modes.
The congress is intended to promote exchanges on the role of geotechnical research and its findings regarding the protection against natural hazards, design criteria for structures and infrastructures, and the definition of sustainable development strategies.