Bhrigu saral paddhati book pdf download

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Follow Following. Parijaata Join 2, other followers. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. Loading Comments BSP 8: Rahu implements itself in the 6th from itself in the 38th year of a native.

BSP 9: Ketu implements itself in the 12th from itself in the 24th year of a natives life. BSP 10A: Jupiter will implement its 9th aspect in the 9th house from the place it is located in the 40th year of a natives life.

BSP 10B: Jupiter will implement itself in the house where he is located in the 40th year of a natives life. BSP 11A: Jupiter will implement its 5th aspect in the 5th house from the place it is located in the 32nd year of a natives life.

BSP 11B: At Times it has been observed that this 32nd year implementation also can happen in the same house. This must not be ignored. In effect one can say that Jupiters 7th aspect can also be implemented in the 32nd year.

BSP Saturns 3rd aspect implements itself in the 20th year. BSP 17A: Rahu sits it gives effects more in the 37th year of ones life for that house at times. BSP 17B: Rahu's 9th aspect implements itself in the 37th year. BSP Where Jupiter sits it also gives effects in the 69th year of ones life for that house. BSP Jupiter sits its 9th aspect gives effects in the 22nd year of ones life. BSP Rahus 5th aspect implements itself in the 22nd year. BSP Saturn implements its energy in the 6th house from itself in the 28th year.

BSP 23A: Sun implements its energy in the 6th house from itself in the 10th year. BSP Mercury implements its energy in the 7H from itself in the 40th year.

BSP 26A: Saturn where he sits, he gives result in 51th year. BSP Mercury implements its energies in the 10th House from itself in the 24th year. BSP- Mars implements its 4th aspect in the 32nd year. BSP- Rahu where he sits, he gives result in 30th year. Validating BSP Rahu where he sits, he gives result in 30th year. The 30th year for this native operates from Jun to Jun Birth Time Rectification. Astrology Remedies.

Gemstones or Ratn. Hindi Books Gujarati Books Marathi. Bhrighu Books Bhrighu books Naadi all books. David Frawley Dr. Robert Svoboda. Manish Pandit Dr. Robert Svoboda Shri K. Rao Smt. Someone can try this for his city by calculating city, if Saturn changes star in the year the calculation also given from 11th Oct Saturn will change star. Modern astrologers should use different names for new concepts. In Gochar we need two factors - 1. Place, 2. Purpose, otherwise general studies is only for informative purpose.

This ancient Varsh Phal technique does not need Taajak Neelkanthee methods and standard BPHS principles can be successfully applied to get good results, provided Soorya Saiddhantic Ganit is used as was done by sages.

That edition contains Yog, some of which are repetitions, which is a form of portions of Raashi used in Naadee texts, resulting from all permutations and combinations of 16 Divisional Charts. But details in Paraasharee Horaa are lost, as a verse in Khemraj edition says there were 8, verses in the first part of Paraasharee Horaa now called BPHS , now only verses are left.

Saptarshi Astrology issues statements like "when Vinshottaree system was not discovered Because Sudarshan Chakra method is useless without Ashtak Varg. If Ashtak Varg is not used with Sudarshan Chakra, we will get exact replicas of Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa after 12 years, which is nonsense.

For example moon Vibrates his radical position at the age of It means that these planets would cause some change in your life or be responsible for important even related to some house they vibrate in your horoscope on these years. Some people use it with divisional charts while some use them with kakshas.

I had talked about Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati. Apparently, the method has classical roots and I expect Sreenadh-ji to provide us with some more clues about this technique. The system is dependent on degree-cal difference of Lagna and different planets.

So, in a way, it is less dependent on Ayanamsha. Anyway, I am giving below the concepts that I do use - along with areas which needs some thought. If one sign is aspected, the other sign of the same lord will get same sensitive point. Some correction factor needs to be applied ……..

Possible pitfalls : When someone is dealing with so many numbers, there is a tendency to match the results somehow. Also chances are high that there will be sheer co-incidences, providing some apparent pattern in small scale checks.

The method, if correct, can be a very good Post-mortem aid in stand-alone mode. However, for projecting in to future, it may not be useful in present form. Let me try out the method with some examples. I have tried both days and And also, where applicable, forward and backward movement for odd and even signs. Please note that the calculation is very much dependent on Lagna degree. How Mercury is connected to Sagittarius is not apparent here. However, same can be explained with a different navamsha approach.

However no correlation is found. The progressed lagna is in Capricorn, at 18d55 which is again close to degree of Mercury. As the Me is 5L and aspects Aquarius and hence this is justifiable. No correlation could be found. No correlation observed. Although Rahu is getting Scorpio navamshaka with Navamsha sphuta of 20d… but should this be allowed? Progressed lagan is at 6 Sc


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