You learn basic Android programming concepts and build a variety of apps, starting with Hello World and working your way up to apps that use content providers and loaders. This book aims to smoothen the learning curve for budding Android security assessment specialists and acts as a tool for experienced Android security professionals with which to hack away at common Android security problems. Learning Java by Building Android Games will show you how to get your Android development environment set up and you will soon have your first working game.
The difficulty level grows steadily with the introduction of key Java topics such as loops, methods, and OOP. With Android 5 Programming by Example , design and customize GUI using material design to create attractive and intuitive layouts easily. This is an example-based guide to learn and develop applications for Android 5.
Through well-designed app samples, code samples and case studies, the book teaches Android application development based on the Intel platform—including for smartphones, tablets and embedded devices—covering performance tuning, debugging, and optimization. Chapters 10 and 11 cover important details on how to create an application that provides a rich and consistent user experience, while Chapters 12—19 cover a variety of optional and advanced functionality and can be read in whatever order interest or need dictates.
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Professional Android 4dth Edition. Mobile Application Penetration Testing. Android Programming, 3rd Edition. Android Apps for Absolute Beginners, 4th Edition. Learning Android Forensics. Learn Ionic 2.