To check the transaction history of your account, sign in to account management online. If already used, the voucher code will appear in the transaction details section.
If you are having trouble redeeming a voucher through PlayStation Store, please visit the guide below for troubleshooting steps and contact information. Please note, a discount code cannot be applied to subscription services like PS Plus , video content, or pre-orders. A discount code cannot be combined with other discount codes or have multiple uses for one account. Issues redeeming a voucher.
Redeem a PlayStation Store voucher. Web browser PS5 PS4. Go to PlayStation Store and click on your Avatar at the top of the screen. Select Redeem Codes from the drop-down menu. Carefully enter the code and select Redeem. The credit or content is now applied to your account. Enter the code and select Redeem. Problems redeeming a PlayStation Store voucher You can only use a voucher code once. Can't redeem a voucher. On your device, go to the PlayStation Store and add items to your Cart.
Select Enter Discount Code. Enter the digit discount code. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your purchase. Was this article helpful? What went wrong? Subscriber Account active since. Though they can often be a solitary activity, video games are also a conduit for social interaction and bonding between players.
This includes multiplayer and co-op modes, MMOs, and even gamesharing. It's only natural for gamers to want to gift their favorite games to friends. Unfortunately, when it comes to the PlayStation 4 , it's not currently possible to gift digital copies of games to your friends directly. However, you can still contribute to a friend's game fund by purchasing a PlayStation Store Cash Card for them to use as a gift card, which they can use to buy the game on their own.
These gift cards can be purchased at various retail locations like Best Buy , Gamestop , Target , or Walmart and on the PlayStation website. Physically give your friend the gift card — or simply the card's digital code. From the PS4's Home screen, navigate to the "Settings" tab on the upper right part of the screen and press the X button. Navigate to "Account Management" and press X. Then, select "Account Information" and press X.
Select "Redeem Codes and Gift Cards" and press X, then use the controller to enter the code listed on the gift card itself. When you are finished, select "Continue" and press X. Your friend should now be able to access the funds you gifted to them via the PlayStation Store Cash Card. For you. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. Get the Insider App. Click here to learn more.