It samples a broad range of actors and localities where everyday people fought to ensure that the basic principles of human rights became a reality for all. This volume will give a face to the everyday people to whom credit is due for shaping human rights.
It also responds to the perennial question of how to begin a career in human rights by highlighting that there is no single path into this dynamic field, a field built on the back of small initiatives by people across a broad spectrum of career paths.
The variety of experience available to medieval scholars and the vitality of medieval thought are both reflected in this collection of original essays by distinguished historians. Intellectual Life in the Middle Ages is presented to Margaret Gibson, whose own work has ranged from Boethius to Lanfranc and to the study of the Bible in the middle ages.
Evaluating the effectiveness of ideologies of colonization, Roa-de-la-Carrera's analysis will appeal to scholars in colonial studies and readers interested in the history of the Americas. Mesoamerican Manuscripts: New Scientific Approaches and Interpretations presents and connects a wide range of high-tech scientific and cultural-interpretative studies of pre-colonial and early colonial Mesoamerican manuscripts. Cognitive Approaches to Early Modern Spanish Literature is the first anthology exploring human cognition and literature in the context of early modern Spanish culture.
It includes the leading voices in the field, along with the main themes and directions that this important area of study has been producing. The book begins with an overview of the cognitive literary studies research that has been taking place within early modern Spanish studies over the last fifteen years.
Next, it traces the creation of self in the context of the novel, focusing on Cervantes's Don Quixote in relation to the notions of embodiment and autopoiesis as well as the faculties of memory and imagination as understood in early modernity. It continues to explore the concept of embodiment, showing its relevance to delve into the mechanics of the interaction between actors and audience both in the jongleuresque and the comedia traditions.
It then centers on cognitive theories of perception, the psychology of immersion in fictional worlds, and early modern and modern-day notions of intentionality to discuss the role of perceiving and understanding others in performance, Don Quixote, and courtly conduct manuals.
The last section focuses on the affective dimension of audience-performer interactions in the theatrical space of the Spanish corrales and how emotion and empathy can inform new approaches to presenting Las Casas's work in the literature classroom. The volume closes with an afterword offering strategies to design a course on mind and literature in early modernity.
Examines the "Royal Commentaries" of the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega and sets forth a new and alternative reading of this foundational text, paying close attention to the indigenous sources and Andean resonance of the work. A Book by Rolena Adorno. A Bio-bibliographical Sourcebook by Valeria Tocco.
A Book by Anonim. A Book by David T. He shows how intellectual virtues are critical to living everyday life, in areas as diverse as personal relationships, responsible citizenship, civil discourse, personal success, and education.
Filled with vivid examples and relevant applications, The Excellent Mind will serve as an engaging introduction to the intellectual virtues for students and anyone interested in the topic. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
David Bromwich reads Burke's career as an imperfect attempt to organize an honorable life in the dense medium he knew politics to be. Explores how the French theory of philosophy, which became popular during the last three decades of the twentieth century, spread to America and examines the critical practices that French theory inspired.
Though considerably shorter, this book displays in focus and in substance a striking similarity to Matthias Josef Scheeben's classic The Mysteries of Christianity. The variety of experience available to medieval scholars and the vitality of medieval thought are both reflected in this collection of original essays by distinguished historians. This 25th anniversary edition continues the dialogue with "In Solidarity," their conversation at the bell hooks Institute on racism, politics, popular culture and the contemporary Black experience.
Our lives sometimes may be constructed about this concealment. De Man's , I am sure , was. DV : Let us come to the American mass media.
It appears to me that there is a tendency on its part to focus on Israel , Israeli politics And although both groups could claim to have come to the current capital of Western artistic and intellectual life in search of creative freedom and cultural stimulation, American writers and intellectuals found in Paris even more