So what you are supposed to do is just to enable it. That is why you are unable to open and run certain programs if the direct play is not installed or activated on Windows Now it is high time that you managed to enable DirectPlay for Windows Or for some users, perhaps you have to download Windows DirectPlay on your computer.
When you hit upon the problem that you cannot install direct play for Windows 10 or an app on your PC needs the following Windows feature DirectPlay on Windows 10, you would better enable the direct play. Just as what has been mentioned above, DirectPlay is built in Windows 10, so if you feel like to perform the applications which required direct play, try to get this Windows feature enabled from the control panel.
Then you will navigate to Programs and Features window, here hit Turn Window features on or off. Then Windows Features window, scroll down to locate and expand Legacy Components and then check the box of DirectPlay. The minute you clicked OK and exited from Windows feature, you will have already enabled direct play for Windows The width requested by DirectDraw is too large. The operation is not supported. The pixel format requested is not supported by DirectDraw. The bitmask in the pixel format requested is not supported by DirectDraw.
The display is currently in an unsupported mode. A vertical blank is in progress. The video port is not active. The previous blit operation that is transferring information to or from this surface is incomplete. The DirectDraw cooperative-level window has already been set.
It cannot be reset while the process has surfaces or palettes created. DirectDraw is prevented from restoring state because the DirectDraw cooperative-level window handle has been subclassed. This surface cannot be restored because it was created in a different mode. The provided rectangle was not horizontally aligned on a required boundary.
Determines which color key is requested. Determines the top-level behavior of the application. Creation flags. Type of transfer. A combination of flags that determine the valid members of the associated DrawEffects structure, specify color-key information, or request special behavior from the method. Flags specifying flip options. FourCc codes Deprecated. GetDeviceFlags Deprecated. GetDevicesFlags Deprecated. The search type flag determines how the method searches for matching surfaces; The matching flag determines whether the method enumerates all surfaces, only those that match, or only those that do not match the description.
Flags describing locking. Flags for overlay effects. Overlay flags. Flags for the StartModeTest call. Flags for Stereo View caps Determines how long to wait for the vertical blank. Represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the DirectDraw object. Defines the color controls associated with an overlay surface, or a primary surface. Describes a source color key, destination color key, or color space.
Color Key capabilities Deprecated. Information about a device. Raster operations ROPs , effects, and override information. Driver-specific alpha capabilities Deprecated. Driver-specific stretching and effects capabilities. Supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the x-axis horizontally. This flag is valid only for overlay surfaces. This flag indicates only the capabilities of a surface; it does not indicate that stretching is available.
Override information to the UpdateOverlay method. Palette capabilities Deprecated. Specifies the color and usage of an entry in a logical color palette. EnumDisplayModes Enumerates all the display modes that the hardware exposes through the DirectDraw object and that are compatible with a provided surface description.
EnumOverlayZOrders Enumerates the overlay surfaces on the specified destination. You can enumerate the overlays in front-to-back or back-to-front order. EnumSurfaces Enumerates all the existing or possible surfaces that meet the specified surface description. EvaluateMode Used after a call to IDirectDrawStartModeTest to pass or fail each mode that the test presents and to step through the modes until the test is complete. FreePrivateData Frees the specified private data that is associated with this surface.
GetAttachedSurface Obtains the attached surface that has the specified capabilities, and increments the reference count of the retrieved interface. GetAvailableVidMem Retrieves the total amount of display memory available and the amount of display memory currently free for a given type of surface. GetBltStatus Obtains status about a bit block transfer bitblt operation.
GetCaps Retrieves the capabilities of the device driver for the hardware and the hardware emulation layer HEL. GetCaps Retrieves the capabilities of the palette object. GetCaps Retrieves the capabilities of this surface. These capabilities are not necessarily related to the capabilities of the display device. To select a subset of the clip list, you can pass a rectangle that clips the clip list.
GetClipper Retrieves the DirectDrawClipper object that is associated with this surface, and increments the reference count of the returned clipper. GetColorControls Retrieves the current color-control settings that are associated with an overlay or a primary surface. GetColorKey Retrieves the color key value for this surface.
GetDeviceIdentifier Obtains information about the device driver. This method can be used, with caution, to recognize specific hardware installations to implement workarounds for poor driver or chipset behavior. GetDisplayMode Retrieves the current display mode. GetFlipStatus Retrieves status about whether this surface has finished its flipping process. DirectDraw provides device-independent access to the device-specific display functionality in a direct bit path.
DirectDraw calls important functions in a driver that accesses the display card directly, without the intervention of the Windows graphics device interface GDI or the device-independent bitmap DIB engine. By taking advantage of this direct path, games and other display-intensive applications run faster and avoid tearing.
A tear is a screen flicker caused by an image displayed and written to at the same time. Direct access often allows game performance to be limited solely by display card performance.