Improve performance of incremental apk installation. Improve error handling for incremental apk installation. Fix adb install-multi-package. Fix some more crashes related to adb wireless pairing.
Improve some error messages. Fix fastboot flashall on older devices such as Nexus 7. Fix crash when using adb -H. Fix hang in adb logcat when run before a device is connected. Improve performance of adb install-multi on Android 10 or newer devices. Update support for wireless pairing. Add support for incremental APK installation.
Improve performance of adb push on high-latency connections. Fix hang when using adb install on something that isn't actually a file. Add --fastdeploy option to adb install , for incremental updates to APKs while developing. This also fixes a related bug in the Android Studio Profilers that causes an AdbCommandRejectedException , which you can see in the idea. Fix devices going offline on Windows. Improve adb install output and help text.
On Linux, when connecting to a newer adb server, instead of killing the server and starting an older one, adb attempts to launch the newer version transparently. Previously, adb root; adb wait-for-device could mistakenly return immediately if adb wait-for-device started before adb noticed that the device had disconnected. Fixes authentication—when the private key used for authentication does not match the public key—by calculating the public key from the private key, instead of assuming that they match.
Updated Windows requirements The platform tools now depend on the Windows Universal C Runtime, which is usually installed by default via Windows Update. Download Android Studio Introduction 1. Accepting this License Agreement 2. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use the SDK on behalf of your employer or other entity.
SDK License from Google 3. You are of course free to develop applications for other platforms, including non-compatible implementations of Android, provided that this SDK is not used for that purpose. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you.
Except to the extent required by applicable third party licenses, you may not copy except for backup purposes , modify, adapt, redistribute, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or create derivative works of the SDK or any part of the SDK. You agree that Google may stop permanently or temporarily providing the SDK or any features within the SDK to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you.
Use of the SDK by You 4. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users.
If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. Your Developer Credentials 5. Privacy and Information 6. Before any of this information is collected, the SDK will notify you and seek your consent.
If you withhold consent, the information will not be collected. Third Party Applications 7. Accepting this License Agreement 2. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use the SDK on behalf of your employer or other entity.
SDK License from Google 3. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. Except to the extent required by applicable third party licenses, you may not: a copy except for backup purposes , modify, adapt, redistribute, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or create derivative works of the SDK or any part of the SDK; or b load any part of the SDK onto a mobile handset or any other hardware device except a personal computer, combine any part of the SDK with other software, or distribute any software or device incorporating a part of the SDK.
You agree that Google may stop permanently or temporarily providing the SDK or any features within the SDK to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. Use of the SDK by You 4. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users.
If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely.
If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so.
Your Developer Credentials 5. Privacy and Information 6. So I had to download Kindly help. Either you use Android Studio to get a UI in which you can easily download whatever version you prefer. Or you simply open cmd and run a list of commands.
I recommend the correct build-tools for a platform of your choice and the platform-tools e. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more.