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Dredd's odyssey brings him up against the bizarre Brotherhood of Trash, the despicable Angel Gang including the unstoppable Mean Machine and the giant toad Sagbellyl Rarely has a Dredd epic featured such a memorable rogue's gallery Featuring work by fan-favourite artists Ron Smith, Mike McMahon and Brian Bolland, this is a classic Dredd tale presented in its entirety for the first time in paperback.
When Judge Dredd is sent to take over as chief of Sector House in the isolated North-West Hab Zone, it is an unwelcome posting for him and his new charges. Graphic Novel. With artwork by Bryan Talbot, Henry Flint and others, this is a new collection of Judge Dredd graphic novel stories from annuals and specials released from the mid s onwards.
The dark classic of revenge is AD at its pulse-pounding best - available for the first time in a new low-priced digest format! Discharged from the army, Nate returns to Mega-City One struggling to deal with his new existence. When his family are subject to a vicious attack, his bitterness turns to anger and he takes to the streets to dispense brutal vigilante justice.
After a ten year absence, the life-hating super-fiend from Deadworld -Judge Death - returns! Having previously been destroyed by nuclear fire and dragged to hell by the vengeful spirits of those he had murdered, Death has managed to return to world, ready to resume his mission in destroying all life. On his own, Death is a devastating force of evil, but once united with his 'brothers' - Judges Fear, Fire and Mortis - the quartet of terror are near invincible!
An ex-Judge is out for revenge on Judge Dredd. Following on from the best selling Judge Dredd Small House this thrilling new modern classic by two of the greatest contemporary Dredd writers and artists. Beautifully painted grotesque body horror from the Judge Dredd universe, starring beloved villains The Dark Judges Can humanity escape the icy clutches of Death?
The psychotic Chief Judge Casey Tweed has dethroned and killed Judge Death and taken over Death's mission to murder every living creature on the planet. The neighbouring Soviets have seen the chaos as an ideal time to launch an attack on their American enemies. As numerous battles rage a small group of rebels led by Judge Fairfax - some living, some already turned into the undead - launch a desperate effort to save their city from being converted into a necropolis, but it all seems too little too late.
The Dark Judges are already spreading their contagion across the globe and in the depths of space, exterminating all life under the orders of Chief Judge Tweed. The birth of Judge Dredd's world is revealed. How America became a wasteland with two enormous Mega-Cities on each seaboard. How Judge Dredd himself came to be, and his first taste of dealing justice on the streets.
If there isn't a single scene or character or moment in your dark comedy that makes you nervous about what people are going to think once they read it, you haven't pushed far enough. Safe is always going to be boring. Posted by Carson Reeves at AM.